This page features a directory of funds that support student success at Cal Poly Humboldt.
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Endowment established by librarian emeritus Joan Berman to provide ongoing financial support to Special Collections and the Cal Poly Humboldt Press for continuing stewardship of Cal Poly Humboldt collections and production of publications of local significance. Cal Poly Humboldt Library
Your gift to this fund will provide general support for the Speech Communication Awards. College of Arts, Humanities & Social Sciences (CAHSS)
Endowment established to provide ongoing financial support for the Nursing program at Cal Poly Humboldt and to address the nursing shortage in the community. College of Professional Studies (CPS)
Your gift to this fund will provide general support to the Staff Council and help with current needs and priorities. Administrative Affairs
Fund established to award a currently enrolled, full-time student in Natural Resources with a declared option in Wildlife at Cal Poly Humboldt. Newly admitted students will not be considered. Preference is given to students who demonstrate professional promise and are active in extracurricular activities. College of Natural Resources & Sciences (CNRS)
Endowment established to provide ongoing financial support for the Stanley W. and Lorene J. Harris Scholarship, which awards a currently enrolled, full-time student in Natural Resources with a declared option in Wildlife at Cal Poly Humboldt. Newly admitted students will not be considered. Preference is given to students who demonstrate professional promise and are active in extracurricular activities. College of Natural Resources & Sciences (CNRS)
Fund established to award a currently enrolled/continuing junior or senior student with a declared major in Wildlife at Cal Poly Humboldt. Preference is given to students who demonstrate professional promise, are active in extracurricular activities, and have a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or better. College of Natural Resources & Sciences (CNRS)
Endowment established by Mr. Stanley Harris, Wildlife professor at Cal Poly Humboldt for 33 years, and his wife Lorene, to provide ongoing financial support for three scholarships: Stanley W. Harris Scholarship; Lorene J. Harris Scholarship; and Stanley W. and Lorene J. Harris Scholarship (the first two for undergraduates and the third for graduate students). College of Natural Resources & Sciences (CNRS)
Endowment established to provide ongoing financial support for the Steinberg Geospatial Analysis Scholarship, which awards students who have completed, or are currently enrolled in, a minimum of 3 units of coursework in geospatial analysis with a grade of B or better and who have an overall GPA of 3.0 or higher. College of Natural Resources & Sciences (CNRS)
Fund established to award students who have completed, or are currently enrolled in, a minimum of 3 units of coursework in geospatial analysis with a grade of B or better and who have an overall GPA of 3.0 or higher. College of Natural Resources & Sciences (CNRS)
Endowment established to provide ongoing financial support for the Hillenburg Marine Science Research Award, which goes towards student research projects in Marine Biology, Oceanography, and Marine Fisheries. College of Natural Resources & Sciences (CNRS)
Fund established to award a student in the Department of Biological Sciences at Cal Poly Humboldt. College of Natural Resources & Sciences
Endowment established to provide ongoing financial support for the Steven E. Slusser Memorial Fund for Future Soil and Range Scientists, which makes possible field experiences, collegiate competitive activities and exams, and conferences related to the Range and Soil Sciences. Participating students must be enrolled in the Cal Poly Humboldt Rangeland Resource Science Program as a major, or as a minor in Rangeland Resource Science or Wildland Soil Science, and be in good academic standing. College of Natural Resources & Sciences (CNRS)
Fund established to provide support for student access to field experiences, collegiate competitive activities and exams, and conferences related to the Range and Soil Sciences. The student must be enrolled in the Cal Poly Humboldt Rangeland Resource Science Program as a major, or as a minor in Rangeland Resource Science or Wildland Soil Science, and be in good academic standing. College of Natural Resources & Sciences (CNRS)
Your gift to this fund will provide general support for the Student Access Gallery and help with current needs and priorities. Clubs
Your gift to this fund provides general support to the Student Athlete Advisory Committee (SAAC) operations. (Athletics)
Your gift to this fund will provide general support to Student Centered Spaces and help with current needs and priorities. Cal Poly Humboldt Library
Your gift supports the Student Climbing Coalition Club at Cal Poly Humboldt
Your gift to this fund will provide general support to the Student Disability Resource Center (SDRC) and help with current needs and priorities. Enrollment Management (EM)
Your gift to the Student Emergency Grant immediately addresses the financial pressures faced by students, providing students with emergency funds that help them overcome the challenges they face during times of uncertainty, ensuring that they will be able to continue their education and succeed.