Our Funds
This page features a directory of funds that support student success at Cal Poly Humboldt.
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Valentich-Scott Oceanography Award Fund
Fund established award undergraduate students majoring in Oceanography at Cal Poly Humboldt. Funds will provide financial support for Oceanography students to attend conferences, workshops, and other events related to their academic careers. This financial support may be used for but is not limited to registration, transportation, lodging, and other associated costs of attending workshops and conferences. College of Natural Resources & Sciences (CNRS)
Van Kirk and Vinyard Trust
Fund established to cover expenses related to processing the Van Kirk and Vinyard Collections: purchase, install, furnish, and maintain a new area for the Special Collections and University Archives. Cal Poly Humboldt Library
Vera K Woolford Scholarship
Fund established to provide scholarships for students who are interested in and who are pursuing study of the medical sciences. College of Natural Resources & Sciences (CNRS)
Veterans Affairs Trust
Your gift to this fund will provide general support to Veterans Affairs and help with current needs and priorities. Enrollment Management (EM)
Victor Egan Scholarship
Fund established to award students who desire to obtain a teaching credential for teaching in public schools and who have demonstrated financial need. Education; College of Professional Studies (CPS)
Victor Egan Trust Fund Endowment
Endowment established to provide ongoing financial support for the Victor Egan Scholarship, which awards students who desire to obtain a teaching credential for teaching in public schools and who have demonstrated financial need. Education; College of Professional Studies (CPS)
Virginia Torp Harris Memorial Scholarship
Fund established to award a Kinesiology or a Music major with a GPA 3.0 or better who plans to teach and who is at least a junior class standing. College of Professional Studies (CPS)
Virginia Torp Harris Memorial Scholarship Endowment
Endowment established to provide ongoing financial support for the Virginia Torp Harris Memorial Scholarship, which awards a Kinesiology or a Music major with a GPA 3.0 or better who plans to teach and who is at least a junior class standing. College of Professional Studies (CPS)
Volleyball Program
Your gift to this fund will provide general support to the Volleyball program and help with current needs and priorities. Athletics
Waste Reduction & Resource Awareness Program (WRRAP)
Your gift to this fund will provide general support to the Waste Reduction & Resource Awareness Program (WRRAP) and help with current needs and priorities. Associated Students (AS)
Water Resource Management
Your gift to this fund will provide general support to the Water Resources Management Program in the Environmental Resources Engineering (ERE) department and help with current needs and priorities. College of Natural Resources & Sciences (CNRS)
Watershed Management Trust
Your gift to this fund will provide general support to Watershed Management and help with current needs and priorities. College of Natural Resources & Sciences (CNRS)
Wayne Knight Trust
Fund established to support the visual arts at Cal Poly Humboldt. College of Arts, Humanities & Social Sciences (CAHSS)
Webb Student Leadership
Fund established for expenditures related to the Outstanding Student Awards, leadership conferences or luncheons, the Leadership Resource Center, and other University affiliated leadership activities. Enrollment Management (EM)
Webb Student Leadership Endowment
Endowment established to provide ongoing financial support for the Webb Student Leadership Fund, which pays for expenditures related to the Outstanding Student Awards, leadership conferences or luncheons, the Leadership Resource Center, and other University affiliated leadership activities. Enrollment Management (EM)
Wellness Matters Fund
Your gift will provide general support to the Wellness Matters Fund (Student Health)
Welsh Microscopy Lab Fund
Fund established to provide support for the Department of Biological Sciences Microscopy Laboratory, including the acquisition of a Transmission Electron Microscope. College of Natural Resources & Sciences (CNRS)
Whitson Credential Fund
Fund established to provide support for students enrolled in the Multiple Subjects Credential Program in the School of Education. College of Professional Studies (CPS)
Wienke Scholarship Endowment
Endowment established to provide ongoing financial support for the Robert & Suzanne Wienke Scholarship, which awards a junior or senior level student majoring in Environmental Resources Engineering (ERE). Must demonstrate financial need as determined by the FAFSA or California Dream Act application. College of Natural Resources & Sciences (CNRS)
Wildland Fire Institute Fund
Fund established to support the activities associated with the Applied Wildland Fire Institute within the Forestry & Wildland Resources Department, including travel and wages. College of Natural Resources & Sciences (CNRS)