Our Funds
This page features a directory of funds that support student success at Cal Poly Humboldt.
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Dobkin Forensics Program
Fund established for financial support for the Forensics program in the Communications department. College of Arts, Humanities & Social Sciences (CAHSS)
Don C. Banghart Forestry Scholarship
Fund established to award a Forestry major with 2.5 GPA or better with a preference for a student studying fire ecology. College of Natural Resources & Sciences (CNRS)
Don Karshner Memorial Endowment
Endowment established to provide ongoing financial support for the Don Karshner Memorial Scholarship, which awards students majoring in Journalism or Theater Arts (alternates each year). College of Arts, Humanities & Social Sciences (CAHSS)
Don Karshner Memorial Scholarship
Fund established to award students majoring in Journalism or Theater Arts (alternates each year). College of Arts, Humanities & Social Sciences (CAHSS)
Don Lewis Prize in Economics Fund
Your gift to this fund supports an award to recognize the most outstanding student who has taken microeconomics or macroeconomics coursework with a prize of $1,250. (CPS, Economics)
Donahue Joseph Scholarship
Fund established to award students studying in the Cal Poly Humboldt Nursing program (and in the future, when degree is established in Health Advocacy) who have financial need. Preference is for students from the following counties: Del Norte, Siskiyou, Modoc, Humboldt, Trinity, Shasta, and Lassen. Preference is also given for first generation students, student veterans or spouses of active duty/veterans, and students registered for services with the Cal Poly Humboldt Disabilities Resources Center. (Should state and federal regulations change to permit the following demographics to receive preferential consideration, the donor prefers special consideration of students who are from under-represented groups including minority or LGBTQIA+ students.) College of Professional Studies (CPS)
Donahue Joseph Scholarship Endowment
Endowment established to provide ongoing financial support for the Donahue Joseph Scholarship, which awards students studying in the Cal Poly Humboldt Nursing program (and in the future, when degree is established in Health Advocacy) who have financial need. Preference is for students from the following counties: Del Norte, Siskiyou, Modoc, Humboldt, Trinity, Shasta, and Lassen. Preference is also given for first generation students, student veterans or spouses of active duty/veterans, and students registered for services with the Cal Poly Humboldt Disabilities Resources Center. (Should state and federal regulations change to permit the following demographics to receive preferential consideration, the donor prefers special consideration of students who are from under-represented groups including minority or LGBTQIA+ students.) College of Professional Studies (CPS)
Donald and Andrea Tuttle Climate Fellowship
Fund established to support Schatz Energy Research Center (SERC) Fellowships for Cal Poly Humboldt graduate students who intend to focus on research that furthers understanding of climate change mitigation and adaptation initiatives. Must be enrolled in Environmental Resources Engineering or the Energy, Technology, and Policy option of the Environmental Systems graduate programs. Graduate students should be engaged in research activities with the Schatz Energy Research Center. Students may apply for their second year. College of Natural Resources & Sciences (CNRS)
Dorothy and Reese Bullen Award
Fund established to award a full-time undergraduate student pursuing a baccalaureate degree in Art who also has an art piece submitted in any media in an annual student art exhibit. College of Arts, Humanities & Social Sciences
Doug Losee Endowment
Endowment established to provide ongoing financial support for the Doug Losee Scholarship Fund, which pays for student travel to conferences in Speech Communications. College of Arts, Humanities & Social Sciences (CAHSS)
Doug Losee Scholarship
Fund established to pay for student travel to conferences in Speech Communications. College of Arts, Humanities & Social Sciences (CAHSS)
Dr. Chester Collins Memorial Psychology Scholarship
Fund established to award full-time graduate or undergraduate Psychology majors who have shown evidence of involvement in and commitment to the discipline of psychology, and who have a 3.0 or better cumulative GPA. College of Professional Studies (CPS)
Dr. Chester Collins Memorial Psychology Scholarship Endowment
Endowment established to provide ongoing financial support for the Dr. Chester Collins Memorial Psychology Scholarship, which awards full-time graduate or undergraduate Psychology majors who have shown evidence of involvement in and commitment to the discipline of psychology, and who have a 3.0 or better cumulative GPA. College of Professional Studies (CPS)
Dr. Everett H. Watkins Memorial Scholarship
Fund established to award undergraduate students from Northern California majoring in some field of the College of Natural Resources & Sciences (CNRS) and who demonstrates financial need.
Dr. Everett H. Watkins Scholarship Endowment
Endowment established to provide ongoing financial support for the Dr. Everett H. Watkins Memorial Scholarship, which awards undergraduate students from Northern California majoring in some field of the College of Natural Resources & Sciences (CNRS) and who demonstrates financial need.
Dr. Ilie & Judith Smultea History Scholarship
Fund established to support students who are pursuing a degree in History, and who also have a GPA of 2.7 or above. College of Arts, Humanities & Social Sciences (CAHSS)
Dr. James F. Welsh Biology Scholarship
Fund established for the Welsh Biology Scholarship, which supports students of Senior class standing who intend to go to graduate school after obtaining their Bachelor's degree from Cal Poly Humboldt in the Biological Sciences (biology, botany, and zoology) and have minimum GPA of 3.0. College of Natural Resources & Sciences (CNRS)
Dr. James F. Welsh Biology Scholarship Endowment
Endowment established to provide ongoing funding for the Welsh Biology Scholarship, which supports students of Senior class standing who intend to go to graduate school after obtaining their Bachelor's degree from Cal Poly Humboldt in the Biological Sciences (biology, botany, and zoology) and have minimum GPA of 3.0.College of Natural Resources & Sciences (CNRS)
Dr. John L. Harper Memorial Scholarship
Fund established to award a student in the Department of Geography, Cartography & Spatial Analysis. College of Arts, Humanities & Social Sciences (CAHSS)
Dr. John L. Harper Memorial Scholarship Endowment
Endowment established to provide ongoing financial support for the Dr. John L. Harper Memorial Scholarship which awards a student in the Department of Geography, Cartography & Spatial Analysis. College of Arts, Humanities & Social Sciences (CAHSS)